God has put a desire on my heart to serve the foster care community for many years. I wholeheartedly believe that not everyone is called to foster or adopt a child, but anyone can make a difference in the life of a child in the foster care system. Whether it's by providing community support a foster family, giving to a foster care non-profit, or using your business to serve this community, everyone has the ability to do something.

not everyone is called to foster or adopt.
but anyone can make a difference in the life of a child in foster care.

foster care

foster care

the need is big

here are a few stats you may not know

there are

children in foster care in tennessee right now



of youth in foster care will move through 4 or more
different placements


foster families will close their doors within the first year of fostering


get involved in knoxville


wrap community

'i belong' videos

The I Belong Project uplifts the stories, faces and voices of kids in foster care who are eligible for adoption to help connect them with forever families. 

WRAP is a tool that helps mobilize people of the local faith community to support adoptive and foster families and the children they care for. WRAP stands for:
Words of Encouragement, Respite Care, Acts of Service, and Prayer.

If your business relies on kids, families and parents to grow, you have the opportunity and privilege to show up for kids and families in foster care by creating an exclusive service offering or discount to support foster families.

in your church

serve with your business

with these amazing organizations

telling their story

meet the kids

give your time

talent + resources

practical needs

Many of these children arrive at the red door of the Isaiah 117 House with nothing. You can donate new items to the Knoxville Isaiah 117 house that will be given to youth who enter the home. The following are current needs:
  • Adult size pajamas & clothes
  • Teen size pajamas & clothes
  • Jeans in all sizes 
  • Underwear in all sizes 
  • Socks in all sizes

Do you own a construction company? Furniture store? You can use your business and resources to help get an Isaiah 117 house ready to open its doors. 

Isaiah 117 House relies on local volunteers to welcome and lavishly love on youth that enter through their red doors. You can sign up to serve at the Knoxville home and share the hope and message of "you are not alone" with children in our community who desperately need to hear it. 

help build or furnish a house

lavishly love on a child

provide for a child

When children are removed from their homes out of concern for their safety, they are usually brought to a child welfare services office to await placement. This wait can be a few hours to several days. These children often have nothing with them and are scared, lonely, hungry, and in dirty clothing.

Isaiah 117 provides a comforting home where these children instead can be brought to wait – a place that is safe with friendly and loving volunteers who provide clean clothes, smiles, toys, and snuggly blankets. This space allows children to receive the comfort and care they need while child welfare staff can do the necessary paperwork and identify a good placement.

TN isaiah 117 houses